Prompt 4: Music- Inspired by “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana

17 Aug


Confusion sets in like thick clouds on a humid & hazy summer day- And that it was. I merely a child sat watching MTV on my Barbie princess sheets. I don’t know what piqued my interest more the transparent purple television with the 3 foot antenna or the music. I was hot headed child, always grumpy but never easily irritated. I am always the first definition that comes to mind when I think of a paradox. Passive but aggressive, Gentle but rough both sweet and sour like the candy from my youth… Those were the 90’s. As I am sitting here picking my memories I can see myself as a child writing poems and stories and constantly putting entries in my ‘Book of Everything’ as I see myself stuffing things into these catalogs, I am inspire by Nirvana. Smells Like Teen Spirit. If you are wondering, yes it still is one of my favorite songs.


Grump kid

after school

rushing through homework.

Quick drink and snack

time for cheerleading practice

I grunt and pout

Oh how I loathe this place

I ball up my tiny face

These smiles faker than

a politicians promise

transparent- disgrace

I hate that big bitch the most,

I roll my eyes

Go Pioneers , Go!

Some frontier.

4 Responses to “Prompt 4: Music- Inspired by “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana”

  1. mindlovemisery August 17, 2013 at 12:35 PM #

    I love grunge! I was a teenager in the 90s =) I am also chronically grumpy but I don’t get mad very easily and I tend to diffuse if I get to express myself within a very short time frame. Love the poem! The sporty girls hated me, because I am uncoordinated and uncompetitive which is sacrilegious essentially

    • KyannaKitt August 17, 2013 at 2:39 PM #

      Whoa- It seems like we have a lot in common. I couldn’t stand cheerleading. It was fun, the sport aspect about it but the cheeriness- We have to smile the whole time, they would put vaseline on our teeth. Ugh. Hahaha. Funny to think about it today. I’m simply easily irritated in a paranoid sort of way. I think a lot of times people do and say things to me because they want to piss me off. Haha. My mom called me grumpy smurf when I was a kid. LOL.

      • mindlovemisery August 17, 2013 at 3:01 PM #

        I would like the exercise bit but the smiling that would be so hard! When I was kid my mom got it in her head the blue was my favorite color so she dressed me in blue from head to toe, not even kidding she made me wear blue moccasins, blue pants, blue tops, blue jacket (not just once but daily) I was quite literally a grumpy smurf lol


  1. Reads Like Twilight (A Parody of Nirvana’s Smells Like Teen Spirit) | FanFiction Fridays - September 14, 2013

    […] Prompt 4: Music- Inspired by “Smells Like Teen Spirit” by Nirvana ( […]

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