Tag Archives: indie

My Yearning

26 Aug

My Yearning

I could lie and say I never want to see you again.

I could easily say I would, if given a chance.

For all those times you’ve objectively hurt me-

I a fool to have even fought what my mind and body felt.

I wanted you, from the start, and you did too.

I remember the hotness of my face when you first admitted it.

I slaying temptation with every cell of my body…

Do you honestly think I never wanted to conquer you?

Do you truly believe I would have never made a move?

You were foreign to me in so many ways & this enticed me…

I wanted to taste your lips the moment I saw them-

I wanted to feel myself wrapped around you.

I wanted every ounce of heart-stopping intimacy with you-

I could see you- You knew the whole time…

You were so compelled that you didn’t want to take me-

This killed me inside. My body constantly fighting for what was never mind to begin with-

If you please could give me but an answer as to why…

Copyright Kyanna Kitt

Prompt 8: Cliché

20 Aug

Prompt 8: Cliché

The apple never falls far from the tree,” says the poor woman of her child.

Even in her youth

filling her mind with

the same rubbish most hear

others speak upon their worst enemy.

Even taking her journals

and them away

Taking the books she read

as if the meant nothing

and banning them from her-

It isn’t worth it- you’ll be just like me,”

she said fold a hot basket of clothes-

What children aren’t told is they

don’t have to be like anyone.

Not even mommy and daddy.

Read your books-

Write your journals,

One day you’ll be a great

writer and will have all the things that were

decided for me not to have,”

she should say.

I remember a book we made

back in grade school on the old colored puzzle carpet-

The one I had vomited on so many times before.

Anyways, I digress. I remember the letters and reading the stories I read-

I’ve had but one still dream and it remains.

Despite what they say,

I am my mothers child.

But I am not my mother.

©copyright Kyanna Kitt


19 Aug



I’ve been having euphoric dreams of bubbly clear ponds an d lush fields of green

and I saw a pretty boy singing with a mandolin-

he was sharing a song with a ripe colorful smuggish grin


when I walked and set foot into the pond I noticed dozens of shimmering fish,

casting light like mother of pearl and so I made a wish


I’d tell you what it was but that would defeat the purpose so…

I’ve locked this dream away in my closet and made a friend of the beau


I’ve made it my home I return to every night

to wash away the burden of my life of black and white


©copyright Kyanna Kitt

Prompt 6: Personification

19 Aug


Prompt 6: Personification

Dear Tom,

You turned me on again

Yesterday night

As quickly as you did

You forgot

Rushing to your desk

feverishly working

swallowing back your bourbon

I wonder if

it was as not to recognize me?

Svelte beauty

Golden Bronze

You dressed me

In a resplendent shade-

you were astonished

only minutes after to turn me off

leaving me in the dark.

I quit this game of redundancy

I swear sometimes you WANT

me to burst my bulb-

Well if it helps you pay the bills …

Regrettably Yours,



18 Aug
Blossoming Lotus by Michelle Sun

Blossoming Lotus by Michelle Sun


when I was a child,

hope was an ever-blooming flower

in the palm of my hand.

Both fragrant and aromatic

with color gradients every growing too.

As I began to age walking o’er the cold

black pavement ‘life’

it grew deeper in hue

black for sadness

blue for unwillingness

purple for knowledge

granted by the sands-

of time we are of essences

this is why we live.

Willing, waiting, wanting

waiving like flags high up on our towering poles we blow freely…

are we proud? Am we now?

I denounce that dreadful omen hope-

and the day we ever did meet

am we proud?

Ne’er are we.

©copyright Kyanna Kitt